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          Baby Toys

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            Baby Toys

            Your child’s first year is full of many exciting developments and milestones, and as kids learn through play, baby toys can give them the best possible start. Since babies are naturally insatiably curious, in the early days, they’ll love playing with infant development toys like rattles and teethers along with baby bath toys that develop hand-eye coordination. When on dry land, bring on tummy time with play gyms and activity mats as they start to work on that core while reaching and grabbing for toys hanging above them. Look for baby toys that use sounds, textures, and bold colors to encourage learning. Stick with Montessori style toys that crinkle, squeak, and shake or toys with attractive surfaces like soft books, sensory balls, and walkers they can push and pull.

            Activity cubes and centers can entertain busy babies for hours (maybe minutes that feel like hours).They’re the perfect baby toy to keep in your living room as there are many ways to interact with them, keeping them fresh again and again. Stackers and blocks are classic boy and girl toys that encourage creativity and can grow with them.

            Older babies start to toddle around with the support of cute baby walkers, strollers, and rocking horses which fosters active, creative play and encourages the next milestone: walking.