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        Travel Diaries

        Elizabeth Antonia Goes to Whidbey Island

        Los Angeles-based creative director and mother of two, Elizabeth Antonia, gives her girls a taste of independence on their travels.

        "One travel hack is to bring an etch-a-sketch or wool for finger knitting. They are nice, tactile alternatives to an iPad!"

        snapshots of kids traveling snapshots of kids traveling

        "The girls loved that every morning I let them leave the room and go to the lobby (unsupervised!). We were staying at Captain Whidbey Inn and, by the end of the trip, my eldest daughter Elodie knew what time the deliveries came and could tell us funny things she overheard the guests saying. They also loved being able to order hot chocolate without me around. Childhood is about those little tastes of independence and I love that they have somewhere so beautiful to explore!"